In english

Nya Läroverket was founded by Gunvor Selberg, PhD/principal, and Birgitta Lahti-Nordström, educational advisor/principal. The school began its operations in 2006 and was the first charter school for primary education in Luleå. Gunvor Selberg holds a doctorate in education, and the school has a strong scientific foundation in children’s learning.

The school’s mission is based on the national curriculum’s requirements and expectations for effects on students’ learning and personal development. Science, proven experience, and current research are other factors that influence the school’s development and work. Everyone working at the school should see the potential in all children and their families and monitor the health and safety of all students. The staff should train and educate students to be active in their own learning, with a focus on understanding. Each student should be given the opportunity to be successful in their learning.

Nya Läroverket has had excellent academic results and performance on national tests for different age groups during its years of operation.


We offer more time for learning.

In addition to regular classes, Nya Läroverket offers students extra school time. All subjects are available as clubs, as well as a number of specialty clubs. Examples of popular clubs include pop & rock club, film-making, photography, theater, sports, and dance. We also have clubs for the youngest students, where activities take place during leisure time.

Art & Science

Our profile is reflected in all subjects. 

One day a week, students work on our school’s shared Art & Science profile. Art, music, and handicrafts, together with mathematics and natural science, have a particularly prominent place in our activities. Being able to visualize a problem or being given the opportunity to practically apply a theoretical problem, gives students increased understanding. Students are trained in working methods where student influence is given ample space, and their own ability to take responsibility and drive a process forward is strengthened. These methods give students the abilities that are absolutely necessary to achieve good results in school and learn for future life.


No one should feel offended.

At Nya Läroverket, all educators have the task of constantly watching over the students to ensure that everyone has a safe environment. The school has a written “Plan for promoting equal treatment and preventing discrimination,” which is updated annually.

Weekly Newsletter

To be able to influence and support their children in a good way, parents must know what is happening at school. We send out weekly newsletters for all classes from preschool to ninth grade.

Influence Council

As a parent, you have a direct opportunity to influence your child’s schooling and have an open dialogue with the school’s management. In Nya Läroverket’s Influence Council, which is led by parent representatives, you have an impact on the school’s operations and can put forward proposals for changes or actions.

Student Health

Student health support is available to assist and support the work teams. According to the School Act, student health support shall be organized for students in primary school. The student health support shall follow the students’ development, preserve and improve their mental and physical health, and promote healthy lifestyles. It shall primarily be preventive and include health checkups and basic medical care. It includes school nurses and school doctor.

Art & Science

The profile of the Nya Läroverket school is Art & Science, which is fundamentally about the skills we want to provide our students with for their future learning. With Art & Science, we are doing something that needs to be done. It is clear in the Education Act and the school’s governing documents. Our way of organizing this in the school’s mission is something we believe helps make it clear to students and parents. In Art & Science, students train and have the opportunity to demonstrate the specific skills required to achieve the highest grade A.

Here are some skills that must be demonstrated for an A, according to the knowledge requirements formulated by the Swedish National Agency for Education.

  • Understand and demonstrate understanding of complex relationships.
  • Explain and demonstrate relationships
  • Engage in well-developed and nuanced reasoning
  • The student can carry out investigations based on given plans and also formulate simple questions and plans that can be worked on systematically.

Art & Science provides a good framework for this. It is a framework that is clear, for it is not beneficial for students to “do as they please.” But a form that is also flexible and provides student influence.

Research is very clear on how to learn more and better. With a high level of engagement and influence in the learning process, one simply learns more and better. In Art & Science, we work according to the learning process model developed by one of the school’s founders, Gunvor Selberg, in her doctoral thesis. A teaching version of the thesis is still used today in teacher education. The working process is the same for the youngest children as for the oldest children, while the content and progression differ.

With Art & Science, we want to highlight the importance of art subjects in school work and at the same time achieve better results in science subjects and mathematics. Research shows that one learns better if one works with both hemispheres of the brain. Being able to visualize a problem or being given the opportunity to practically apply a theoretical problem gives students increased understanding. Building a bridge and testing its strength in different constructions gives greater knowledge and understanding. Creating something in the art subjects, which is then shown to classmates, the rest of the school, teachers, parents, and possibly other external recipients, is something that builds confidence. Confidence is important to reach as far as possible in all school subjects.

Then it is also very much about values and how we want our school to be. We want Nya Läroverket to be a school characterized by student influence and democracy. We want students to have a high level of engagement in their learning. We want the school to be interdisciplinary, just as the world is, where everything is related and connected. We want students to learn work methods that are important for the future. Surveys show that 75% of all work performed in Sweden is in project form, and already in high school, it is about being able to master one’s own learning process, and then it is a big advantage to be prepared. The work with Art & Science is something we receive feedback from our former students that they have found very useful in their continued studies in high school.

The advantage of Art & Science for teachers is that they do a large amount of work that needs to be done, together, as themes are planned in work teams or in teams. It facilitates and reduces individual planning. The teaching profession is complex, and working together provides better conditions and is, of course, more fun and inspiring. They receive support from each other in what is difficult. With Art & Science, we want to create an appetite for experimentation for the educators.

The learning process in Art & Science can be carried out in various ways, with different approaches, creating works of varying lengths, and exercising different degrees of control at different stages. Art & Science provides students with greater fairness in grading and a broader range of assessment. Students’ abilities are showcased to more teachers and evaluated by more teachers. A teacher can see abilities that may not necessarily be within their own subject area. For example, if you can engage in complex reasoning and critical thinking in a project that includes history, you are demonstrating the same skills evaluated in social studies. There is a great deal of flexibility in a teacher’s work when assessing students’ abilities. An ability can even be demonstrated during lunch break when two students discuss a book they have both read.

We believe it is important for a school to have a profile. It creates a common denominator and a common thread throughout the organization and throughout the student’s education. It is something to gather around and is shared by everyone at the school. Just like in all organizations and workplaces, we want everyone to pull in the same direction.

Art & Science should make the school’s work and curriculum goals clearer for students and parents. We want everyone to be able to see how we work to identify the abilities that need to be assessed, especially the more complex ones.

The academic year is usually divided into three working areas, with the last one taking up the entire spring semester and being a school-wide theme, with all ages and both schools working on the same theme. This way, we achieve unity and benefit from presenting to each other and collaborating across different ages. We conclude with an Open House at the end of May, where all relatives are invited to the school for presentations and exhibitions.

It is important to know and understand that we have Art & Science on the schedule for three hours a week, and Art & Science is just as teacher-led as other lessons.